Hualan Biological Bacterin Inc. is engaged in the R&D, production and sales of vial vaccines, bacterial vaccines and etc.

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address:Jia No. 1-1, Hualan Avenue, Xinxiang City, Henan Province

Hualan Biological Vaccine Inc.
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Hualan Biological Vaccine Inc.

Congratulation! Hualan’s Tetanus Vaccine is Now Available!

Release:hualanbioadmin Browse:2156

Congratulation! Hualan’s Tetanus Vaccine is Now Available!


Recently, the Tetanus Vaccine, Absorbed produced by Hualan Biological Bacterin Inc. has been officially approved by the National Medical Products Administration and issued with a Drug Registration Certificate, and is now available on the market.


Specification: 0.5 ml per vial. 0.5 ml for one single dosage, containing tetanus toxoid with a potency that is not less than 40 IU. The Company’s Tetanus Vaccine, Absorded is produced using the process of refinement followed by detoxification, and column chromatography is used instead of ammonium sulphate chromatography, which provides a high purity and a good immunogenicity for the tetanus toxoid stock solution.


Copyright Hualan Biological Vaccine Inc. ICP: Service hotline:0373-3559991